


This motor gear box is desigend and manufactured in compliance with European lift directive 95/16/EC-EN81.1,for the 3,4,6 persons lift and speed up to 1 m/s.



Worm wheel & Worm shaft, running on high precision utmost quality ball bearings for the axial constrain.Noise level below 60 Db and one of the  outstanding characteristic is the possibility to disassemble completely  the machine into sub-components and reinstall them easily in the site.

This motor gear box is produced by Gem company in Italy and distributed in all around Iran by Behran lift Co.as the exclusive sales agent for Gem company's products in this country.







Technical data

Interasse - Distance between slow and fast shafts 134 mm
Carico statico max. - Max static load 2.300 Kg (senza supporto esterno) (without external support)
2.700 Kg (con supporto esterno) (with external support)
Coppia massima in uscita - Max output torque 1.012 Nm
Rapporti di riduzione - Reduction ratio 1/42 - 1/53 - 1/65
Potenza motore max. - Max motor power 5.5 KWasy (50 Hz) - 5.8 KWasy (60 Hz)
Tipo motore - Motor type AC1, AC2, ACVV, VVVF
Efficienza media riduttore - Average gear efficiency 0.7
Diametri pulegge di trazione - Diameter of traction sheave mm 480, mm 550, mm 600
Elettromagnete freno - Electromagnetic brake 24V, 48V, 60V, 110V, 200V
Olio sintetico - Synthetic oil 3 lt (lubrificato a vita) - (lubricated for life)
Peso medio argano - Average weight of the machine 220 Kg

Useful load vs. speed table - examples (50 hz - 1500 rpm)

Rapporto di riduzione
Reduction ratio
Diametro puleggia
Sheave diameter
Potenza motore AC2
Motor power AC2
(KWasy )
Potenza motore VVVF
Motor power VVVF
(KWasy )
300 0.66 65/1 550 2.2 <3.5 Hp> 2.2 <3.5 Hp>
320 0.66 65/1 550 3.0 <4.5 Hp> 3.0 <4.2 Hp>
320 0.72 65/1 600 3.4 <5.0 Hp> 3.4 <4.8 Hp>
320 0.82 53/1 550 3.7 <5.5 Hp> 3.7 <5.2 Hp>
320 0.89 53/1 600 3.7 <5.5 Hp> 3.7 <5.2 Hp>
480 0.66 65/1 550 4.0 <6.0 Hp> 4.0 <5.7 Hp>
480 0.71 53/1 480 4.5 <6.7 Hp> 4.5 <6.4 Hp>
480 0.82 53/1 550 5.0 <7.4 Hp> 5.0 <7.0 Hp>
480 1.03 42/1 550 5.5 <8.1 Hp> 5.5 <7.8 Hp>
